Featured in the new book LEADERing: The Ways Visionary Leaders Play Bigger

It was a great honour to find that Norway Post and myself was featured in the new book "LEADERing: The Ways Visionary Leaders Play Bigger" by futurist Nancy Giordano as an example to follow.

The book is available on Amazon: Leadering: The Ways Visionary Leaders Play Bigger

I had a chat with Nancy to deep dive into the aspect of scaling corporate innovation.

Alexander Haneng
About the author

Alexander Haneng

Innovation and Digital Strategy Expert, Keynote Speaker and Executive. Blogging about Innovation, Digital Transformation, Strategy and Leadership in a Digital World. Alexander Haneng is an expert in Innovation and Digital Strategy. He currently holds the position of Senior Vice President Digital Innovation at Norway Post and Bring, a Nordic logistics company with annual revenu of over US$ 2.5 billion and 15,000 employees. He is a popular keynote speaker covering subjects like innovation, digital leadership, digital strategy and digitization. Follow him on LinkedIn or Instagram.
